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    Ludwig Bechstein

    Ludwig Bechstein was a German writer and collector of folk fairy tales. He was born in Weimar, the illegitimate child of Johanna Carolina Dorothea Bechstein and Hubert Dupontreau, a French emigrant who disappeared before the birth of the child; Ludwig thus grew up very poor in his first nine years. His situation improved only when his uncle Johann Matthäus Bechstein, a renowned naturalist and forester living in Meiningen in the country of Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen, adopted him in 1810. He was sent to school in Meiningen, and in 1818, started an apprenticeship as a pharmacist. From 1828 to 1831 he studied philosophy and literature in Leipzig and Munich thanks to a stipend granted by Duke Bernhard II of Sachsen-Meiningen, who hired him subsequently as a librarian. This lifetime post provided Bechstein with a continuous income, while leaving him a lot of freedom to pursue his own interests and writing. He lived from 1831 until his death in Meiningen. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Ludwig Bechstein (24 November 1801 - 14 May 1860) was a German writer and collector of folk fairy tales. He was born in Weimar, the illegitimate child of Johanna Carolina Dorothea Bechstein and Hubert Dupontreau, a French emigrant who disappeared before the birth of the child; Ludwig thus grew up very poor in his first nine years.
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  4. oaks.nvg.org

    In Germany, Ludwig Bechstein (1801-60) was a successful poet and editor of folktales and legends. His real name: Louis Clairant Hubert Bechstein (Uther 1997-2:303). His fairy-tales and legends became more popular than those of the Grimm Brothers. A writer in the footsteps of the Grimm Brothers, he too was translated into English.
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  6. de.wikipedia.org

    Ludwig Bechstein . Ludwig Bechstein (* 24.November 1801 in Weimar, Herzogtum Sachsen-Weimar; † 14. Mai 1860 in Meiningen, Herzogtum Sachsen-Meiningen) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Bibliothekar, Archivar und Apotheker.Er ist heute vor allem durch die von ihm herausgegebene Sammlung deutscher Volksmärchen bekannt (u. a. Deutsches Märchenbuch und Neues deutsches Märchenbuch
  7. oaks.nvg.org

    Ludwig Bechstein (1801-60) published two books of German fairy tales that he gathered and edited. The first 26 tales here are adapted from the first English translation of Bechstein tales. Opening. The Man without a Heart; The Nut-Bough; The Old Wizard and the Children; Gold-Maria and Pitch-Maria; The Starling;
  8. Feb 4, 2023Bechstein, Ludwig, 1801-1860. Publication date 1967 Topics Fairy tales -- Germany, Tales -- Germany, Fairy tales, Folklore -- Germany Publisher London, New York, Abelard-Schuman Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English; und.
  9. fairylore.jimdofree.com

    Sep 26, 2024Ludwig Bechstein (1801-1960) was a writer, poet, archivist, librarian, collector and pharmacist. Today, he is known almost exclusively among scholars and just by his collections of fairy tales. He was a contemporary of the Grimm Brothers with two volumes of German Fairy Tale Books, with 150 stories altogether. Although almost everybody knows ...
  10. Ludwig Bechstein's Mchenbuch by Bechstein, Ludwig, 1801-1860. Publication date 1853 Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland Topics Fairy tales Publisher Leipzig : G. Wigand Collection gaelic; nationallibraryofscotland; europeanlibraries Contributor National Library of Scotland Language
  11. worldoftales.com

    Ludwig Bechstein, born on 24 November 1801 in Weimar, was a German writer and collector of folk fairy tales. Bechstein published many works and was a successful author of his time. His German Fairy Tale Book was even more popular than the Brothers Grimm's collection when it was first published in 1845. The second book with German fiary tales ...

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