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  2. Let's move on to the last book. This is a biography called Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World. Even though I'm writing a biography of Hannah Arendt myself, I wanted to include the major intellectual biography of her on the list. It was published in 1982 and remains the go-to Arendt biography. It's quite long. Elizabeth Young-Bruehl knew ...
    • The Human Condition

      The best books on Hannah Arendt. Samantha Rose Hill, Philosopher. Other books by Hannah Arendt. Thinking Without a Banister by Hannah Arendt. Men in Dark Times by Hannah Arendt. Letters: 1925-1975 by Hannah Arendt & Martin Heidegger. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt. Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt.

    • Between Past and Future

      This is my favourite book by far, and is a compilation of essays. Hannah Arendt argues that education is affected by the difficulties society encounters in trying to strike a balance between the traditions of the past and the needs of the future. In education you continually come across the argument that the old is bad; we have an obsession with novelty.

    • The Best Philosophy Books of 2021

      Your second 2021 philosophy book recommendation is a biography of one of the great modern thinkers, Hannah Arendt. Tell us about this book. This is a part of a series called 'Critical Lives.' It's an excellent example of an intellectual biography. Hannah Arendt was a super-powered intellectual, and was always, always thinking and writing ...

    • Critical Lives: Hannah Arendt

      "This book is brilliant. It's written by Samantha Rose Hill, who must know as much as anyone about Hannah Arendt. She's dived into Arendt's surviving papers, notebooks, and even poetry, spending many hours in the archive. And what's so great about this as a biography is that Hill has done something that biographers rarely do—she's ...

  3. The best books on Hannah Arendt. Samantha Rose Hill, Philosopher. Other books by Hannah Arendt. Thinking Without a Banister by Hannah Arendt. Men in Dark Times by Hannah Arendt. Letters: 1925-1975 by Hannah Arendt & Martin Heidegger. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt. Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt.
  4. "This book is brilliant. It's written by Samantha Rose Hill, who must know as much as anyone about Hannah Arendt. She's dived into Arendt's surviving papers, notebooks, and even poetry, spending many hours in the archive. And what's so great about this as a biography is that Hill has done something that biographers rarely do—she's ...
  5. "Can a book about a towering philosopher ever be described as 'zippy'? That's the word that keeps coming back to me when I think about Lyndsey Stonebridge's compellingly readable book on Hannah Arendt's life and work. With antisemitism and totalitarianism on the rise in 2024, Arendt's lucid thinking is as relevant as ever.
  6. "It is an edited volume, which I think is a great introductory overview to Hannah Arendt's work. It is full of interviews that give you a sense of her as a person, conversations where she's teasing out what she meant by 'the banality of evil'—most readers of Arendt are familiar with that phrase, even if they haven't read Eichmann."Read more...
  7. The best books on Hannah Arendt. Samantha Rose Hill, Philosopher. Our most recommended books. How to Say Babylon: A Memoir by Safiya Sinclair; Speak, Memory by Vladimir Nabokov; ... We ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview.
  8. This is my favourite book by far, and is a compilation of essays. Hannah Arendt argues that education is affected by the difficulties society encounters in trying to strike a balance between the traditions of the past and the needs of the future. In education you continually come across the argument that the old is bad; we have an obsession with novelty.
  9. A translation of Swedish writer Ann Heberlein's 2020 biography of Hannah Arendt, the German-born Jewish political philosopher, interweaving her philosophy with the tumultuous events of her life. The Swedish reviews of the book have been mixed, but anything about Hannah Arendt is hard to resist.
  10. Your second 2021 philosophy book recommendation is a biography of one of the great modern thinkers, Hannah Arendt. Tell us about this book. This is a part of a series called 'Critical Lives.' It's an excellent example of an intellectual biography. Hannah Arendt was a super-powered intellectual, and was always, always thinking and writing ...
  11. 7 days agoWe Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt's Lessons in Love and Disobedience by Lyndsey Stonebridge. We Are Free to Change the World by Lyndsey Stonebridge is an excellent, well-written book that shows why Hannah Arendt is still an important and sometimes controversial thinker today. Read expert recommendations

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