1. rpc.cfainstitute.org

    The authors study the link between financial derivatives—specifically, options and innovation. They find that an active market for options reduces information asymmetry related to investment in innovation and thereby creates managerial incentives for innovation that lead to better resource allocation.
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  3. sciencedirect.com

    Innovation is the main driver of growth and the wealth of nations. As emphasized by Porter (1992, p. 65), "[t]o compete effectively in international markets, a nation's businesses must continuously innovate and upgrade their competitive advantages.Innovation and upgrading come from sustained investment in physical as well as intangible assets."
    Author:Iván Blanco, Iván Blanco, David Wehrheim, David WehrheimPublished:2017
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  5. pdfs.semanticscholar.org

    International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) E-ISSN: 2582-2160 Website: www.ijfmr.com Email: editor@ijfmr.com IJFMR240113975 Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024 1 A Study on Futures and Options in Derivatives Dr. P. Subrahmanyam1, Ms. T. Anusha2
  6. Section 1: Introduction, aim of this research, question of research and literature review. Section 2: The overview about types of trades, option trading strategies, financial engineering, advantage and factors contributing to the growth of financial engineering. Section 3: Empirical studies of financial engineering and conclusion.
  7. jfin-swufe.springeropen.com

    This paper studies the effect of option trading on corporate investment and financing policies. Based on prior literature, I hypothesize that option market induces informed trading and thus reduces information asymmetry and the cost of capital. As a result, firms with high option trading have more investment and financing. Specifically, based on the United States public data, this paper finds ...
  8. sciencedirect.com

    We find that firms with more options trading activity generate more patents and patent citations per dollar invested in research and development (R&D), after accounting for other confounding factors. These results are confirmed when we use a propensity score matching procedure and an instrumental variable approach to control for the potential ...
  9. Journal of Management Research and Analysis. Print ISSN: 2394-2762. ... In the era of growing importance of savings & investment, Derivatives is a source of investment & risk management tool which is not explored to its full horizons & capabilities. My study on focuses on 2 major types of derivatives i.e. futures & options, there risk & return ...
  10. The information provided is for general education and information purposes only. No statement provided should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security, future, financial instrument, investment fund, or other investment product (collectively, a "financial product"), or to provide investment advice.
  11. researchgate.net

    Apr 15, 2023My study on focuses on 2 major types of derivatives i.e. futures & options, there risk & return profiles & the investment motives & returns that investors have earned from their investment.
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