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  2. Jan 30, 2025Extended Object Tcl (for short: XOTcl, pronounced exotickle) is an object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl. It was originally designed for providing language support for design patterns and provides novel constructs such as filters or transitive mixin classes. ... Feb, 2000 XOTcl presented at USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference (see publications ...
  3. XOTcl - Manuals [[What is XOTcl?[Publications][[Applications][The Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl) Documentation contains the following parts: XOTcl Language Documentation . XOTcl Tutorial (HTML, PDF) Language Reference (HTML, PDF) If you have question, problems etc. you might check the XOTcl mailing list (archive 1, archive 2) or you might check the XOTcl section of the Tcl wiki.
  4. Language Overview XOTcl [Neumann and Zdun 2000a] is an extension to the object-oriented scripting language OTcl [Wetherall and Lindblad 1995] which itself extends Tcl [Ousterhout 1990] (Tool Command Language) with object-orientation. XOTcl is a value-added replacement for OTcl and does not require OTcl to compile. XOTcl runs in the tclsh and provides a few extension commands.
  5. 4 days agoXOTcl - Download and Availability [[What is XOTcl?[Publications][[Applications][XOTcl Download . The most recent version of XOTcl 1 is 1.6.8. Note that the forthincoming major release of XOTcl (XOTcl 2.0) is based on the Next Scripting Framework.If your application requires Tcl 8.4, you have to stick to the XOTcl 1 series, since the Next Scripting Framework requires Tcl 8.5.
  6. XOTcl - Brief Description of XOTcl and ActiWeb [[What is XOTcl?[Publications][[Applications][XOTcl (XOTcl, pronounced exotickle) is an object-oriented scripting language based on MIT's OTcl and adds several novel concepts.Originally, XOTcl was intended to develop language support for the implementation of design patterns, were design patterns can be added or removed at runtime.
  7. For compilation instruction see Tcl's documentation. The following steps have to be performed in order to build XOTcl: 1) untar XOTcl in a directory of your choice by using one of: gunzip xotcl-XXXXX.tar.gz | tar -xvf - or on some systems: tar xvfz xotcl-XXXXX.tar.gz 2) run configure by issuing in the unix directory: cd xotcl* ./configure on ...
  8. XOTcl language reference. Describes predefined objects and classes. Predefined primitives: XOTcl contains the following predefined primitives (Tcl commands): self computes callstack related information. It can be used in the following ways: self - returns the name of the object, which is currently in execution.
  9. Filename: ./doc/langRef.xotcl Description: XOTcl language reference. Describes predefined objects and classes. Predefined primitives: XOTcl contains the following predefined primitives (Tcl commands):self ... -initcmd specify a Tcl command to be executed when the value of theassociated variable is read the first time; allows lazyinitialization ...
  10. XOTcl is an object-oriented extension of Tcl that was derived from OTcl. In short, XOTcl tries to provide a highly flexible, reflective, component-based, and object-oriented environment. ... It prevails the Tcl programming style and the dynamic/introspective nature of the language, rather than introducing other language's styles and rigidness ...

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