This list covers English-language countrynames with their etymologies. Some of these include notes on indigenous names and their etymologies. ... From the Bulgars, the extinct tribe of Turkic origin, which created the country. Their name is possibly derived from the Proto-Turkic word bulģha ("to mix", "shake", "stir") and its derivative ...
The name Egypt comes from the Ancient Greek Aiguptos and Latin Ægyptus, and is also derived from hūt-kā-ptah (Temple of the Soul of Ptah). The ancient Egyptian name for the country was km.t (pronounced "kemet"), meaning "black land" likely for the fertile soils of the Nile valley.
Serendip - ancient name derived from the Sanskrit "Sinhala-dweepa", meaning either "land of lions" or "land of the Sinhala people"; sinha being lion in Sanskrit, and the Sinhalas being the early Aryan inhabitants of the region. Ceylon (English), Cilan (Portuguese), Seilan - former names of the country from the Pali Sinhalana meaning "land of ...
Dec 10, 2024An appropriate name for the landlocked Asian country, Afghanistan is home to the Hindu Kush and the Pamir mountains. Hindu Kush extends from the Himalayas, and the Pamir are referred to as "Roof of the World" by the Afghans. The name also means "Land of the Pashtuns," who were the tribal people of the Hindu Kush mountains. *Note: Translations are from a report by Credit Card Compare.
The origin of the name Guatemala is not entirely clear, but it has been suggested that it comes from an Aztec word, Quauhtemallan, meaning 'Land of Many Trees' or 'Land of the Eagle'. It is also possible that the country takes its name from the word Guhatezmalha, 'Mountain of Gushing Water', after the volcano of Agua. Guinea
There are beautiful stories and meanings behind every country'sname. Well, there should be! Etymology is an interesting subject of its own, add some geography to it and you will be amazed to find out how astonishing and weird the meanings of some countries' names are. While you may know the meaning of your country'sname, other countries ...
The etymology of European countrynames is a mosaic of linguistic influences, historical events, and geographical features. For instance, "Germany" traces its name to the Latin "Germania," possibly derived from the Celtic word "ger," meaning neighbor. "France" comes from the Germanic tribe "Frank," and "Italy" has roots ...
Some countries have beautifully poetic names. Argentina, whose name means 'Land Beside the Silvery River', is a case in point. Papua New Guinea, which means 'Frizzy-Haired Men', would surely agree with the fact that not all countrynames are complimentary - but France, whose name means 'Land of the Fierce', must be happy with ...
Learning etymology - the origin of words - of countries around the world offers us fascinating insight into the origins of some of our favourite travel destinations and the people who first lived there. Check out this map. It shows the literal meaning of every country'sname!
Jul 8, 2023The country's official name is "People's Republic of China," but many people refer to it as simply "China." France. France, the country that gave us the Statue of Liberty and the croissant, is named after a Germanic tribe called the Franks. The Franks were a tribe that lived in modern-day France in the 5th and 6th centuries AD.