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  2. eujournal.org

    Cymerman, Wojciech, University of Life Sciences in Lublin/Poland. European Scientific Journal, ESJ ESJ APRIL 2017 /SPECIAL/ EDITION - Articles Effect of the Economic Crisis on Housing Market in Poland Abstract PDF; Make a Submission Donate to ESJ. ESI Postdoctoral Program 2024/25
  3. pl.linkedin.com

    Nauczyciel w University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn · Doświadczenie: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn · Lokalizacja: Powiat Olsztyński. Wyświetl profil użytkownika Wojciech Cymerman w LinkedIn - społeczności profesjonalistów liczącej 1 miliard członków.
  4. researchgate.net

    Wojciech Cymerman Joanna Cymerman The main objective of this paper is to examine the dynamics of downward trends in the residential property prices exemplified by a medium-size city.
  5. semanticscholar.org

    The paper discusses the effectiveness of real estate management in voivodship capitals in Poland. The time frame of analyses: 2005-2016. The main research hypothesis was made, that voivodship cities located in voivodships with a higher level of economic development, conduct more effective real estate management. The analysis was carried out in four stages: identification and measurement of the ...
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