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    Josef Dürich

    Český politik a spisovatel

    Josef Dürich byl český politik staročeské strany, později agrární strany, účastník československého zahraničního odboje za 1. světové války, dramatik a spisovatel. Wikipedia (CS)

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  2. sk.wikipedia.org

    Narodil sa v Borovici u Mnichova Hradiště ako syn mlynára a od 70. rokov 19. storočia vstúpil do kultúrneho života ako autor veršov a divadelných hier. V rokoch 1870 a 1873 spoluredigoval almanach Ruch. [3] Publikoval aj pod pseudonymami Charvátecký a Josef Josefovič.Zaoberal sa tiež tesnopisom a pokúsil sa o jednotný slovanský tesnopis.. V roku 1884 získal mandát v Ríšskej ...
  3. The Janelia Summer Undergraduate Research Program (J-SURP) is a 10-week paid summer program for science-loving Scholars who want to participate in cutting-edge research. Janelia undergraduate students are dedicated future scientists, engineers, computational scientists, physician scientists, and mathematicians who are interested in exploring: ...
  4. books.google.com

    J. Dürich, 2009 - 202 pages. 0 Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Bibliographic information. Title: Vítěz, který prohrál: poslanec Josef Dürich: Author: Jiří Dürich:
  5. On a small scale, we are interested in the interplay between membrane-bound organelles, membrane-less organelles, cytoskeletal structures and metabolism as it relates to the organization and function of organ-specific cell types and their interactions. On a larger scale, we are trying to decipher how complex cellular behaviors characteristic of different cell types arise,
  6. Dürich, Josef, 1847-1927 See also (r) Charvatecký, J. L., 1847-1927 (r) Josefovič, Josef, 1847-1927 Biographical Note: Narozen 19.8.1847 v Borovici u Mnichova Hradiště, zemřel 12.1.1927 v Klášteře Hradišti nad Jizerou. Český politik, ekonom, poslanec říšské rady, činitel 1.odboje.
  7. houseofnames.com

    The name Duerich, which is a local surname, reveals that the original bearer of the name once lived, held land, or was born in this beautiful region of Thuringia. In the Holy Roman Empire, hereditary surnames were adopted according to fairly general rules and, after the 12th century, names that were derived from localities became increasingly widespread.
  8. databazeknih.cz

    Jiří Dürich vyrůstal v jižních Čechách, kde se oženil a založil rodinu. S manželkou vychoval čtyři děti. V 60. letech dvacátého století se Jiří Dürich s rodinou přestěhoval do Mladé Boleslavi, aby se mohl postarat o babičku Mejsnarovou. Jako technik vykonával vedoucí funkce v mnoha podnicích.
  9. researchgate.net

    This text aims to present Josef Dürich from a perspective that includes multiple thematic aspects, i.e. the political, regional, resistance and cultural-scholarly levels, but focusing with only ...

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