Национален статистически институт
https://nsi.bg › en › content › 18121 › basic-page › deaths-bulgaria-weeks
Deaths in Bulgaria by Quarters
Deaths in Bulgaria by quarters; Deaths in Bulgaria by weeks; Newly registered unemployed persons in the labour offices and registered unemployed started to work; Income from overnight stays and accommodation establishments; Trips of Bulgarian residents abroad and visits of foreigners in Bulgaria by months
Statistics for Everyone
With the new section 'Statistics for everyone' the National statistical institute provides an opportunity for online training to every person who wants to learn something new or broaden their knowledge about statistics.
Information Request
NSI Bank Account Bulgarian National Bank Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01 BIC BNBGBGSD
Quality Reports
National Statistical Institute 2, P. Volov Str.2. Phone: (+359 2) 9857 111 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] Site map
National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria has launched new rubric COVID-19. In this rubric statistical data relating to the economic and social consequences of the spread of coronavirus are published. The information is presented in tables, graphs, cartograms and infographics. The contents of the rubric is constantly enriched and updated.
Legal Basis
2021 Population Census and Housing Census in the Republic of Bulgaria Act; 2011 Population Census and Census of Housing in the Republic of Bulgaria Act; Strategies and Assessments; Strategy for Development of the National Statistical System, 2021 - 2027; Strategies and Assessments - archive; Vision for Scientific and Research Activities in the NSI