EOSCpilot D7.5: StrategyforSustainableDevelopmentofSkillsandCapabilities : 2 ... Why EOSC needs a strategyforsustainabledevelopmentofskillsandcapabilities ..... 14 3.3. The emerging ... organisational capabilities required to provide EOSC services of the required levels of quality. 7
Report Number: V1.1: Keywords: EOSCpilot: Abstract: This report summarises the outcomes, recommendations and conclusions of the EOSCpilot WP7 on Skillsand Capability. The emerging EOSC ecosystem provides the context for a focus on developing the data stewardship skillsof researchers and professional groups supporting research, including data ...
3 key words: Skills ; Competencies; CapabilitiesSkillsfor data experts; for data-knowledgeable ; in data stewardship Training is just one route for one of these Defining skills & competencies needed by people and capabilitiesof organisations Produce a framework to inform strategy -forEOSCand all who engage with it
• Ensure that Open Science practices and skills are rewarded and taught, becoming the 'new normal' • Enable the definition of standards, and the developmentof tools and services, to allow researchers to find, access, reuse and combine results • Establish a sustainableand federated infrastructure enabling open sharing of scientific ...
The EOSCpilot project has been extended until end of April 2019. ... D7.5 FinalreportEOSCstrategyforsustainabledevelopmentofskillsandcapabilities. due end of March 2019 LIBER is also listed as a cont. ributor for a presentation on D7.5 to take place at the .
The EOSCpilot project will support the first phase of developmentofEOSC: Engage with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research Develop a number of demonstrators functioning as high-profile pilots that integrate
during the second half of the Task Force duration. The last version of the report (to be released in November 2023) aims to generate a cross-disciplinary understanding of data quality and identify a data quality strategyforEOSC, considering existing work in the area. Strategy elements for future developmentsand investments are also outlined.
Building on the recommendations of the EOSCpilot project, the High-Level Expert Group reports, and the EOSC-hub use cases, this document proposes an approach to the definition and the provisioning of the EOSC Federating Core, which is based on existing capabilitiesof e-Infrastructures and research infrastructures at national and European level.
proposals include suggestions for several EOSC governance subcommittees, and for some Policy Supporting Services to be included as EOSC core services. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot) is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
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