1. petreisner.cz



    Petr Eisner. V sociálních službách pracuji od roku 2000. Prošel jsem mnoha organizacemi a pracoval s různými cílovými skupinami klientů, především ale s lidmi s mentálním nebo kombinovaným postižením. I přes svou poslední pracovní pozici ředitele organizace, jsem nikdy neodešel od přímé praxe a stále pracoval i jako ...
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  3. With great historical detective work and narrative grace, Peter Eisner opens our eyes to the amazing story of Claire Phillips. Inside her shadowy Manila nightclub, Claire masterminded a spy ring that outfoxed Japanese invaders and helped America win World War II when all seemed lost. This is a spy story about a remarkable woman who, through her ...
  4. worlddesk1.com

    Three weeks later, as Peter Eisner notes in his gripping new account of Allied espionage in the Pacific theater during World War II, a low-budget movie called "I Was an American Spy" opened to considerably less fanfare in theaters across America, purporting to tell, as one poster breathlessly proclaimed, "the startling TRUE story of ...
  5. substack.com

    We make it easy to start a podcast—including video podcasts—, and produce voiceovers and narrations for your text posts. Share episodes to Substack subscribers and to all the major podcast players with one click.You can make your show free to everyone or you can use a paywall for: the whole podcast; select episodes; or at any point in a particular episode.
  6. petereisner.com

    Eisner, whose wife is Basque, has spent a great deal of time in the area, and that familiarity permeates this taut account of trust and bravery among civilians and military men." ... But the most important difference between the 1942 Hollywood screenplay and Peter Eisner's book is that the story he tells is true." ...
  7. knihy.petreisner.cz



    Petr Eisner. Petr Eisner (*1976) vystudoval sociální pedagogiku a teologii, a v současnosti se profesně věnuje práci s lidmi s postižením a vzdělávání pracovníků v sociálních službách. Aktuálně žije a tvoří v západních Čechách. V roce 1998 získal za svou poezii ocenění kulturního festivalu Ortenova Kutná Hora.
  8. encyclopedia.com

    SIDELIGHTS: Longtime journalist and news editor Peter Eisner spent several years during the 1980s working for the Associated Press in Central and South America. As a result, he became familiar with the work of South American journalist Maria Jimena Duzán and served as the English editor and translator for her book Death Beat: ...
  9. Peter Eisner, award-winning reporter and author of the critically acclaimed The Freedom Line, reports shocking new evidence (released only recently from Vatican archives) of this deceit. An astonishing tale of intrigue and sedition, The Pope's Last Crusade is a compelling journey into the heart of the Vatican. A truly essential work, it brings ...
    Author:Peter Eisner
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