1. en.wikipedia.org

    Kari-Pekka Enqvist (born February 16, 1954, in Lahti, Finland) is a professor of cosmology in the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Helsinki.Enqvist was awarded his PhD in theoretical physics in 1983.. Enqvist is the chairman of the scientific advisory board of Skepsis ry (a Finnish sceptics' society) and has written many books that popularize physics.
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  3. mv.helsinki.fi

    Curriculum Vitae: Kari-Pekka ENQVIST Kosmologian emeritusprofessori Syntymäaika: 16.2.1954, Lahti, Suomi Koulutus: FT toukokuu 1983, Helsingin yliopisto Työura: Tutkimusassistentti Helsingin yliopistossa alkaen vuodesta 1978; tohtoritutkija CERNissä, Genevessä, ja Wisconsinin yliopistossa; apulaisprofessori Norditassa, Kööpenhaminassa 1990-
  4. tuhat.helsinki.fi

    Name: Kari-Pekka ENQVIST Date and place of birth: February 16, 1954, Lahti, Finland Current position: Academy of Finland Research Professor 2010-; Professor of Cosmology, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki 2001-; Theory Programme Director, Helsinki Institute of Physics, 2000-2010.
  5. mv.helsinki.fi

    Kari Enqvist. Professor of Cosmology (emer), University of Helsinki. Address: Department of Physics P.O. Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2) FIN - 00014 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, Finland Tel: +358-2-941 50540; +358-50-448 5596; Fax: +358-2-941 50522 Email: kari.enqvist@helsinki.fi.
  6. mv.helsinki.fi

    \magnification=1200 \baselineskip=15pt \parindent=0pt \def\bb{$\bullet$\ \ } \def\\{\vskip5pt} \def\hh{\hskip-15pt} \centerline {\bf CURRICULUM VITAE} \vskip 0.2in {\bf Name:} Kari-Pekka {\bf ENQVIST} \\ {\bf Date and place of birth:} 16th of February, 1954, Lahti, Finland\\ {\bf Current position:} Senior Research Fellow, Academy of Finland 1.8.1996-31.7.2001; Senior Research Associate ...
  7. Nov 5, 2024Kari Enqvist kirjailija, emeritusprofessori. 5.11.2024 6:45. Kolumni. Kolumneja kirjoittaa laaja joukko Ylen ulkopuolisia tekijöitä. Lue kolumneja Kuuntele kolumneja Yle Areenassa. Keskustan ex-kansanedustaja Pekka Aittakumpu perusteli äskettäistä loikkaansa perussuomalaisiin mm. halullaan puolustaa suomalaista elämäntapaa.
  8. blogs.helsinki.fi

    Eipä siinä vielä kaikki! Nimi Kari Enqvist herättää tuntemuksia myös niiden alojen edustajissa, jotka eivät kosmologiasta ole koskaan kuulleetkaan. Kari on tieteen supertähti. Hän kirjoittaa uupumattomalla tahdilla kirjoja, blogeja ja kolumneja tieteestä, sen asemasta ja maailman menosta. Kun Kari sanoo jotakin, se vaikuttaa.
  9. biographies.net

    Kari-Pekka Enqvist is a professor of cosmology in the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Enqvist was awarded his PhD in theoretical physics in 1983. Enqvist is the chairman of the scientific advisory board of Skepsis ry and has written many books that popularize physics.

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  1. Kari Enqvist

    Finnish professor and writer

    Kari-Pekka Enqvist is a professor of cosmology in the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Enqvist was awarded his PhD in theoretical physics in 1983. Enqvist is the chairman of the scientific advisory board of Skepsis ry and has written many books that popularize physics. In 1997 Enqvist was granted the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation Physics Award for his efforts in particle physics and cosmology. In 1999, he was awarded the Tieto-Finlandia award, Finland's most significant award for non-fiction, for his book Olemisen porteilla. Enqvist retired from the University of Helsinki in 2019. Wikipedia

    BornKari-Pekka Enqvist, February 15, 1954, Lahti, Finland
    Age71 years
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