Apr 4, 2024These days, the food and drink services industry in Europe is thriving - in 2022, there were as many as 1.5 million food and drink service establishmentsin the European Union (EU-27) alone.
Non-EU countryestablishments database non-EU countries - Establishments lists Brazil (BR) Bovine Holding list Lists of food-producing establishments for non-EU countries are proposed by approved (listed) non-EU countries and maintained by the Commission in accordance with the requirements of Article 127 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2292. Lists of establishments for animal by ...
Lists of establishmentsin accordance with Section A of Chapter V of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 The table below reflects the information provided to date to the European Commission by the EU Member States and a few other countries. When no information is provided for a particular country / type of establishment, it means either that the country has not approved/authorised any ...
Jul 8, 2023U Establishmentsin Ukraine (4 C) Establishmentsin the United Kingdom (8 C) Categories: EstablishmentsinEurope Events in Europebycountry Container categories