Jul 27, 2023It will include a prototype implementation, along with an accompanying report. The deliverable will be released in two iterations. EaaSModelSpecificationandImplementationV2 It will reflect the outcomes of task T4.1. It will include a prototype implementation, along with an accompanying report.
The work performed by the FIESTA-IoT consortium has produced the first European IoT Federated data services platform, by introducing the notion of Experimentation as a Service (EaaS) about integrating and making interoperable of almost every IoT technology, by using an agnostic approach specificationand enabling the concepts of testbed ...
Training, Consulting, Testing and Validation V2. This deliverable will report on the full range of training, consulting, testing and validation services that will be established and provided in FIESTA. It will reflect the outcomes of tasks T6.3 and T6.4. The deliverable will be produced in two successive iterations. Programme: H2020-EU.
The specificationand design of the implemented system and information models will be described together with the practical details of the developments carried out and its integration with the ...
This work is funded by the European Commission under the EU-H2020 Project Grant "Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloudTestbeds andApplications (FIESTA)" with the Grant Agreement No. CNECT-ICT-643943.
Extending two-level modeling to the IoT using the SensorThings API as a base for domain concepts definition allows for a powerful framework to manage variance within systems implementationand ...
Over the past 24 months, many asset sales teams were confronted with requests from their customers for a more flexible business model - namely Equipment-as-a-Service (EaaS). Internal business development teams, on the other hand, also have increasingly focused their attention on this area as successful implementations have been outlined in ...
New EaaS Cloud Service ModelImplementation for Smart Education. Dr.JaeChul Oh 1, HoJun Kim 1,Dr.Hyun Sim 1 Department of Computer Science, Sunchon National University, Junnam, Korea 1: Corresponding Author: Dr.Hyun Sim, E-mail: simhyun@scnu.ac.kr: Related article at Pubmed, Scholar Google:
From Ownership to Experience: How EaaS is Driving Innovation and Empowering Growth in Industrial Manufacturing. 6. The diagram below summarizes some of the key features of EaaSmodel across several dimensions of an innovative business model structure. • Consultative selling • Data led solution development and selling
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