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Television series created by Jim Henson
Fraggle Rock is a children's musical fantasy comedy puppet television series about interconnected societies of Muppet creatures, created by Jim Henson. An international co-production of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, Fraggle Rock was co-produced by British television company Television South, the CBC, American pay television service HBO, and Henson Associates. Unlike The Muppet Show and Sesame Street, which had been created for a single market and only later adapted for international markets, Fraggle Rock was intended from the start to be an international production, and the entire show was constructed with this in mind. At least four different versions of the human wraparound segments were produced separately to air in different countries. Following the success of the Fraggle Rock: Rock On! shorts which aired on Apple TV+ in April 2020, a reboot of Fraggle Rock was ordered by the streaming service. Wikipedia