Shadow Island Games
https://www.pbm.com › ~lindahl › pbm_list
Bellow's Fog (post-apocalyptic, play-by-post, cyber-punk) [ dead link] Celestial Prime Alliance (online role playing group ) [ dead link] Children of the Dragon (MASSIVE saga and back history, well established, loosly Dragonball/Animie based) [ dead link] Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link]
PBM List Keywords free: a totally free game.. free-moderation: the game itself costs money, but you can then play it for free.. commercial: the game costs money and you pay to play it, too.. open-ended: the game can run forever.. closed-ended: the game ends after a given number of turns, or when certain conditions happen.. snail: the game may be played by postal mail ("snail mail").
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Othlore PBeM SRPG (fantasy, strategy, RPG) QWF (e-fed, e-wrestling, fantasy wrestling) Romantic Fantasies (adult cross-genre freeform RP) Star Trek: Arizona (Star Trek) Star Trek: USS Yggdrasil (Space Opera ) The Campaign For All time (Fantasy) VGA Planets 3.0. 9th Fleet Bat'Leth Competition (Interfleet Bat'Leth Competition) [ dead link]
Grand Prix Racing Online (Free Formula 1 Management Game) [ dead link] Heroville (Fighting tournaments) [ dead link] Influences (online adaptation of the trading card game VAMPIRE.TES) [ dead link] L'univers du Flow (fantasy) [ dead link] Le Nécromant (Middle Earth Diplomacy) [ dead link] Morne Plaine (Napoleonian wargame) [ dead link]
Games in this category: Advanced Civilization Avalon Hill MsDos pbem game (Strategic turn civilization construcción game) ; Hattrick (socce managment) ; Panzer General 2 (War game, WW2 simulation, PBEM club, ) ; Stellar Forces (sci-fi squad tactics) . Anubis Scripts (Play by Post) [ dead link] ; Commander - Europe at War (Strategic WW2 turn based strategy in the vein of Panzer General.