1. people.cmog.org

    Franz X. Höller has studied, lived, and worked in Germany for several years. His work can be seen in the collections of The Corning Museum of Glass; Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Japan; the American Crafts Museum; and several museums throughout Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and France.
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  3. glasmuseum-lette.de

    Franz Xaver Höller is a professional artist par excellence. He went through all stages: master craftsman as polisher for cupped glass, learned glass-designer, studies of glass-design and sculpture at the art academy in Munich, freelance artist, director of workshops, amongst others at the Corning Glass Museum in New York and at the Australian ...
  4. store.toledomuseum.org

    This publication illustrates all stages in the development of Höller, a glassworker who blends artisanal techniques with modern forms In the glass art of Franz Xaver Höller (b. 1950) artisanal techniques rich in tradition, such as cutting and engraving, c
  5. arnoldsche.com

    In the glass art by Franz Xaver Höller (b. 1950) artisanal techniques rich in tradition, such as cutting and engraving, collide with modern forms. Vibrantly sculptural bodies engraved on the surface with fine lines, the drawing of which generates impressive depth via the incidental light, make up the vessels and objects that he has created ...
  6. de.wikipedia.org

    Höller stammte aus dem böhmischen Teil des Erzgebirges.Er war der Sohn des Rechnungsführers Franz Robert Höller und dessen Ehefrau Julie geborene Graf und kam im Haus Graslitz Nr. 860 zur Welt. [1] Nach dem Schulbesuch studierte er an der Karls-Universität in Prag Kunstgeschichte und Germanistik. Danach war er kulturpolitisch tätig und schrieb 1934 seinen ersten Roman.
  7. Franz Hoeller Von Der SDP Zur NSDAP Ein Dokumentarischer Bildbericht ( 1939, 122 S., Scan, Fraktur) Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest ...
  8. usmbooks.com

    For more information about the SdP, have a look at the very heavily illustrated book Von der SdP zur NSDAP (From The Sudeten German Party to the Nazi Party) published under the auspices of Franz Höller, Gaupropagandaleiter Sudetenland and the Geschaftsstelle Sudetendeutsches Hilfswerk in Reichenberg in 1939. We are happy to combine shipping of ...

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