The spatial data fusion aimed to project the onshoremeasurements to offshore locations in light of numerical simulations, to reduce the cost of direct offshoremeasurements. The first and last offshore and onshore points in the 36 dual-Doppler line were considered as an example.
Author:Basem Elshafei, Alfredo Peña, Dong Xu, Jie Ren, Jake Badger, Felipe M. Pimenta, Donald Giddings, Xue...Published:2021
Measurements by lidars are a source of high-fidelity data. However, they are expensive and sparse in space and time. Contrarily, Weather Research and Forecasting models generate continuous data with relatively low fidelity. We propose a hybrid approach combining measurements and output from numerical simulations for the assessment of offshorewind.
Author:Basem Elshafei, Alfredo Peña, Dong Xu, Jie Ren, Jake Badger, Felipe M. Pimenta, Donald Giddings, Xue...Published:2021
Ahybridsolutionforoffshorewindresourceassessmentfromlim- itedonshoremeasurements. Basem Elshafei, Alfredo Pe˜ na, Dong Xu, Jie Ren, Jake Badger, Felipe M.
Ahybridsolutionfor o shore windresourceassessmentfromlimitedonshoremeasurements. Basem Elshafei a, Alfredo Pena~b, Dong Xuc, Jie Ren , Jake Badgerb, Felipe M. Pimentad, Donald Giddingsa, Xuerui Maoa, aFaculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, Nottingham, UK bDTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark cXinjiang Goldwind Science and Technology ...
The Technical University of Denmark offered the raw data collected from LiDAR measurements and numerical simulations. Goldwind, a world leading wind turbine technology and energy solutions provider, compared the present solution with that from Windgrapher, an industrial package for windresourceassessment.
Ahybridsolutionforwindresourceassessment - predict offshorewindfromlimitedonshoremeasurements Xuerui Mao, Basem Elshafei, Jie Ren University of Nottingham Alfredo Pena, Jake Badger Technical University of Denmark H2020 the future and emerging technologies programme with agreement No. 828799.
DOI: 10.1016/J.APENERGY.2021.117245 Corpus ID: 236289926; A hybridsolutionforoffshorewindresourceassessmentfromlimitedonshoremeasurements @article{Elshafei2021AHS, title={A hybridsolutionforoffshorewindresourceassessmentfromlimitedonshoremeasurements}, author={Basem Elshafei and Alfredo Pe{\~n}a and Dong-Hong Xu and Jie Ren and Jake Badger and Felipe Mendonça Pimenta and ...
In windresourceassessments, which are critical to the pre-construction of wind farms, measurements by LiDARs or masts are a source of high-fidelity data, but are expensive and scarce in space and time, particularly for offshore sites. On the other hand, numerical simulations, using for example the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, generate temporally and spatially continuous data ...