Port-au-Prince is the capital and most populous city of Haiti. The city's population was estimated at 1,200,000 in 2022 with the metropolitan area estimated at a population of 2,618,894. The metropolitan area is defined by the IHSI as including the communes of Port-au-Prince, Delmas, Cité Soleil, Tabarre, Carrefour, and Pétion-Ville. The city of Port-au-Prince is on the Gulf of Gonâve: the bay on which the city lies, which acts as a natural harbor, has sustained economic activity since the civilizations of the Taíno. It was first incorporated under French colonial rule in 1749. The city's layout is similar to that of an amphitheater; commercial districts are near the water, while residential neighborhoods are located on the hills above. Its population is difficult to ascertain due to the rapid growth of slums in the hillsides above the city; however, recent estimates place the metropolitan area's population at around 3.7 million, nearly a third of the country's national population.Wikipedia
Port-au-Prince literally means "Prince'sPort", but it is unclear which prince was the honoree. A theory is that the place is named after Le Prince, a ship captained by de Saint-André which arrived in the area in 1706. However, the islets in the bay had already been known as les îlets du Prince as early as 1680, predating the ship's arrival. [11] Furthermore, the port and the surrounding ...
Jan 18, 2025Port-au-Prince, capital, chief port, and commercial centre of the West Indian republic of Haiti. It is situated on a magnificent bay at the apex of the Gulf of Gonâve (Gonaïves), which is protected from the open sea by the island of La Gonâve.
Port-au-Prince is the capital, largest city, commercial center, and chief portof the Republic of Haiti. Some 90% of Haiti's investments and jobs are found in Port-au-Prince. Estimated to be about 1.2 million inhabitants (and nearly three million inhabitants in the metropolitan area), the city alone has about 12% of the nation's population.
Dec 13, 2023Port-au-Prince has had a historyof top-down approached leadership and economic control. In order to truly change Port-au-Prince's current state, using the community and people as the foundation of socio-ecological efforts and initiatives is key to restoring the city and providing an equitable quality of life for its residents.
Port-au-PrincePort-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. Established as the new colonial capital of Saint Domingue in 1749 (the first had been Cap Haitien), it was the leading portof the western region and had the advantage of a protected and deep harbor. Soon after independence it dominated politics.
Understanding how Port-au-Prince went from a center of colonial authority to a locus of disorder where fatal wounds were inflicted on the colonial order is crucial to any explanation of the background to the Haitian Revolution.
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