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  2. terapiatalonoste.fi

    Kari Holma. Tampere | Etävastaanotto. Psykoterapeutti . Palvelukielet: suomi, englanti. Työssäni korostuu myötätuntoisuus, selkeys ja rauhallisuus. Jokainen asiakas on ainutkertainen. Jokaisella on oikeus tulla kohdatuksi omana itsenään ja terapeutin tehtävä on mukautua. Tulos on yhteistyön tulosta.
  3. williambranhamstorehouse.com

    His name was Kari Holma. When last heard of, he was a Highway Patrolman in Kuopio, Finland. It was not until later that Brother Branham was made aware of the first little boy who had not been killed but by then, was dying in hospital. After his parents had committed their lives to Christ, Brother Branham was given a vision showing this little ...
  4. en.believethesign.com

    Kari Holma was released from the hospital 3 days later. William Branham tells a story that is significantly different from that told by Rev. Soininen, and changes over time: The boy had died and was laying on the street for half an hour before William Branham's vehicle arrived on the scene.
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