1. Sep 5, 2024Olavi Huhtala will remain in his role as head of SSAB Europe until the end of January 2025, after which he will remain as an advisor. For further information, please contact: Gunilla Hjalmarson, Head of External Communications, gunilla.hjalmarson @ ssab.com, phone: +46 76 117 9185
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  3. eurometal.net

    Sep 9, 2024Olavi Huhtala, Head of SSAB Europe, has announced that he will retire during winter 2025. A recruitment process to find his successor will now begin. Olavi Huhtala has been head of SSAB Europe and a member of SSAB's Group Executive Committee since 2014. He has been employed by the company since 1987, starting at Rautaruukki
  4. fi.wikipedia.org

    Olavi Huhtalan vanhemmat olivat maanviljelijä Kalle Vilho Huhtala ja Anna Dagmar Jaakkola ja puoliso vuodesta 1936 Helvi Kyllikki Aura. Ylioppilaaksi Huhtala tuli 1921 Porin lyseosta. [1] [2] Huhtala osallistui vapaaehtoisena sisällissotaan Porin Rykmentin I pataljoonassa.Hän valmistui kadettikoulusta 1924 sekä kävi sotateknilliset opinnot Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa sekä ...
  5. Sep 5, 2024Olavi Huhtala on ollut SSAB Europe -divisioonan johtaja ja SSAB:n konsernijohtoryhmän jäsen vuodesta 2014. Hän on ollut yhtiössä vuodesta 1987 lähtien, aluksi suomalaisen Rautaruukin palveluksessa. Huhtalalla on ollut ennen nykyistä tehtäväänsä lukuisia johtotehtäviä, mm. Executive Vice President, Head of Ruukki Metals. ...
  6. view.news.eu.nasdaq.com

    Sep 5, 2024Olavi Huhtala has been head of SSAB Europe and a member of SSAB's Group Executive Committee since 2014. He has been employed by the company since 1987, starting at Rautaruukki which combined with SSAB in 2014. He has held several leading positions including as Executive Vice President and head of Ruukki Metals.
  7. theofficialboard.com

    Dec 18, 2024At SSAB, Olavi Huhtala has 136 colleagues including Johnny Sjöström (President & CEO), Petra Einarsson (Director)… At Varma, Olavi Huhtala has 58 colleagues including Risto Murto (CEO), Petri Castren (Director)… Industry Colleagues. In the Metal industry, Olavi Huhtala has 14,279 colleagues in 1,008 companies located in 69 countries.
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