About I-CISK
I-CISK builds on a rich ecosystem of existing scientific knowledge and data provision platforms (e.g. Copernicus, GEOSS, in-situ and citizen data, socio-economic data), including established end-user-oriented climate services frameworks. I-CISK's ambition is to take these a step further through four interlinked research and innovation directions.
Living Labs
Seven Living Labs in Europe and Africa are central to the action-research approach. These are located in climate change hotspot with specific geographical and climatic settings, where climate services are co-produced with end-users from multiple sectors to meet their climate information needs. The Living Labs are located in:
Partners IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands (IHE Delft) × IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world and is based in Delft, the Netherlands. Since 1957 the Institute has provided water education and training to 23,000 professionals from…
D1.2 I-CISK Roadmap of collaboration among WP1 (Living Labs) and WP2-WP7 Co-designing user-driven climate services Milestone MS10 A prototype framework on co-creating end-user centred climate services D2.1 I-CISK Information on Climate Services Needs and Gaps D2.2 Concepts and methods to characterise local and scientific knowledge