1. researchgate.net

    brief glance at the bibliography of academician Prof. Dr Petar Hr. Ilievski is enough for one to grasp the magnitude and diversity of his scientific interests. Their breadth impedes attempts to ...
  2. Position of the Ancient Macedonian Language and the Name of the Contemporary Makedonski - Petar Hr. Ilievski - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A paleo-Balkanic linguistic league, similar to the contemporary one, very likely existed in ancient times too. As a member of that league ancient Macedonian shared some lexical and grammatical features with ...
  3. openlibrary.org

    Author of Ablativot, instrumentalot i lokativot vo najstarite grčki tekstovi, Životot na mikencite vo nivnite pismeni svedoštva, Krninski Damaskin, Pojava i razvoj na pismoto, Svetila nezaodni, Tradicija i inovacii vo makedonskite crkovnoslovenski kniževni spomenici od turskiot period, Za antičkata prosodija vo makedonski prepev, Svetite Kliment i Naum Ohridski i pridonesot na Ohridskiot ...
  4. digilib.phil.muni.cz

    PETAR HR ILIEVSKI POSITION OF THE ANCIENT MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE AND THE NAME OF THE CONTEMPORARY MAKEDONSKI 1. The language spoken for centuries by people of the largest par smalt ofl a central Balka countrn Macedoniy - - ias know under the Makedonski name (Macedonian). Rich folklor hae s been created in Makedonski, and during the last
  5. cejsh.icm.edu.pl

    Text in memoriam for Petar Hr. Ilievski (1920-2013). Keywords. EN Petar Ilievski Macedonian science Publisher. Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN. Journal. Colloquia Humanistica. Year. 2014. Issue. 3. Physical description ...
  6. المكتبة الوطنية الإسرائيلية

    https://www.nli.org.il › en › a-topic › 987007299152705171

    At the National Library of Israel, you can find information on Petar Hr. Ilievski and view a variety of items related to the topic such as manuscripts, books, archives, photographs and more. Read more at: Cookies. The National Library of Israel website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. Continued use of the website constitutes ...
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