Use Kubectl
Creating Secret objects using kubectl command line. The -n flag ensures that the generated files do not have an extra newline character at the end of the text. This is important because when kubectl reads a file and encodes the content into a base64 string, the extra newline character gets encoded too. You do not need to escape special characters in strings that you include in a file.
Encryption at Rest
All of the APIs in Kubernetes that let you write persistent API resource data support at-rest encryption. For example, you can enable at-rest encryption for Secrets. This at-rest encryption is additional to any system-level encryption for the etcd cluster or for the filesystem(s) on hosts where you are running the kube-apiserver. This page shows how to enable and configure encryption of API ...
Use The Kustomize Tool
kubectl supports using the Kustomize object management tool to manage Secrets and ConfigMaps. You create a resource generator using Kustomize, which generates a Secret that you can apply to the API server using kubectl.. Before you begin. You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster.
Français (French)
Secrets. Les objets secret de Kubernetes vous permettent de stocker et de gérer des informations sensibles, telles que les mots de passe, les jetons OAuth et les clés ssh. Mettre ces informations dans un secret est plus sûr et plus flexible que de le mettre en dur dans la définition d'un Pod ou dans une container image.Voir Document de conception des secrets pour plus d'informations.
Bahasa Indonesia
Secret. Objek secret pada Kubernetes mengizinkan kamu menyimpan dan mengatur informasi yang sifatnya sensitif, seperti password, token OAuth, dan ssh keys.Menyimpan informasi yang sifatnya sensitif ini ke dalam secret cenderung lebih aman dan fleksible jika dibandingkan dengan menyimpan informasi tersebut secara apa adanya pada definisi Pod atau di dalam container image.
Deutsch (German)
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