OpticalWhiteBox: ModelingandImplementation: P. Castoldi; Filippo Cugini; Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Per Le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), published: ... International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018) Metro-Haul: SDN Control and Orchestration of Disaggregated Optical Networks with Model-Driven Development: Ramon ...
boxes, like white boxes, disaggregate the operating system and application software from the hardware. They come pre-installed with a third-party operating system of the operators choice with provision for a tailored level of lifecycle support from the vertically integrated vendor. The four models: bare metal; whitebox; brite boxand black
The Final METRO-HAUL node architecture and optical solutions D3.3 gives a complete overview of METRO-HAUL vision for metro node architecture, multi-vendor and disaggregated scenarios, interconnection, transmission and switching solutions in different network architectures. ... OpticalWhiteBox: ModelingandImplementation Author(s): P ...
15, 2018. This work was supported in part by the EC through the METRO-HAUL (G.A. no. 761727) project, in part by the Spanish MINECO SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R) and TWINS (TEC2017-90097-R) projects, and in part by ... reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (OADM), line system, control, monitoring, etc. At least two levels of disag-
•Design of all-opticalmetro nodes (including full compute and storage capabilities) •Interface with both 5G access and multi-Tbit/s elastic core networks. •Challenges: •Optical challenge, cost effective and agile, involving both the optical architecture and also innovative new optical component technologies -> disaggregated white boxes
Metro-Haul Project Second ReviewWP4. Ramon Casellas ramon.casellas@cttc.es. Brussels, October 2nd , 2019. METRO-HAUL: METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compute and low Latency
The EU H2020 5G-PPP project METRO-HAUL [2] aims at architecting and designing cost-effective, energy efficient, agile and programmable metro networks that are scalable for 5G access and future requirements, encompassing the design of all-opticalmetro nodes, including full compute and storage capabilities,
an optical transport infrastructure that is built by means of splitters/couplers and amplifiers. ... filterless networks are implemented in the context of an optical "whitebox". Finally, in [10] a pilot filterless network implementation is reported with a system employing 100 Gb/s channels spaced by 50GHz that are transmitted over a ...
METRO-HAUL Targets the design and the building of a smart opticalmetro infrastructure able to support traffic originating from 5G New Radio (5G NR) networks, addressing the anticipated capacity increase and its specific characteristics e.g. mobility, low latency, low jitter, etc. This infrastructure will also support a wide variety of services and use cases with special emphasis on services ...
D3.2 reports the first validation of the METRO-HAUL node architecture and the interconnection, transmission and switching optical solutions developed in T3.1-T3.3 in different disaggregated scenarios. The deliverable also includes an early
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