Félicien Marceau was a French novelist, playwright and essayist originally from Belgium. His real name was Louis Carette. He was close to the Hussards right-wing literary movement, which in turn was close to the monarchist movement. He was born in Kortenberg, Flemish Brabant. Marceau received the Prix Goncourt for his book Creezy in 1969. On 27 November 1975 he was elected to the Académie française, succeeding Marcel Achard. In 1974, Goudji created the academician's sword for Félicien Marceau.Wikipedia
FélicienMarceau (16 September 1913 - 7 March 2012) was a French novelist, playwright and essayist originally from Belgium. His real name was Louis Carette.He was close to the Hussards right-wing literary movement, which in turn was close to the monarchist movement . [1] [2] He was born in Kortenberg, Flemish Brabant.[1]Marceau received the Prix Goncourt for his book Creezy (ISBN 0714507083 ...
modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata FélicienMarceau , nom de plume de Louis Carette , né le 16 septembre 1913 à Cortenbergh en Belgique et mort le 7 mars 2012 à Courbevoie , , , , est un romancier , auteur dramatique , scénariste et essayiste français d'origine belge , membre de l' Académie française . Il reçoit le prix Goncourt 1969 pour son roman Creezy . Biographie ...
FélicienMarceau. Writer: Body of My Enemy. FélicienMarceau was born on 16 September 1913 in Kortenberg, Belgium. He was a writer and actor, known for Body of My Enemy (1976), The Seven Deadly Sins (1962) and Miss Shumway Goes West (1963). He was married to Bianca Della Corte. He died on 7 March 2012 in Paris, Ile-de-France, France.
Marceau,Félicien, 1913-Publication date 1986 Topics Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850, France -- Social life and customs Publisher Paris : Gallimard Collection trent_university; internetarchivebooks; printdisabled; inlibrary Contributor Internet Archive Language French. 683 p. ; 19 cm Includes index
FélicienMarceau by Hoffmann, Stéphane. Publication date 1994 Topics Marceau,Félicien, 1913-2012 Publisher Monaco : Editions du Rocher Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language French Item Size 591241734. 181 p. ; 19 cm Access-restricted-item
Creezy is a 1969 novel by the French writer FélicienMarceau.It tells the story of a young and wealthy Paris model nicknamed Creezy—derived into French slang from the English word "crazy"—who has an affair with an older, married man, as the two of them engineer practical jokes, make love and travel around Europe.
Avant de passer à la postérité sous son nom de plume, FélicienMarceau naquit Louis Carette. Né en 1913 à Cortenberg - près de Bruxelles - dans une famille de fonctionnaires catholiques et francophiles, il fait son droit à l'université de Louvain avant de s'orienter vers le journalisme et l'écriture.
FélicienMarceau, geboren als Louis Carette (Kortenberg, 16 september 1913 - 7 maart 2012) was een van oorsprong Belgisch, maar later Frans roman- en toneelschrijver en essayist. Hij studeerde in Leuven, eerst aan het Heilige-Drievuldigheidscollege, nadien aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
FélicienMarceau (16. září 1913 Kortenberg - 7. března 2012 Paříž) byl francouzský prozaik, dramatik a esejista původem z Belgie.Jeho skutečné jméno bylo Louis Carette. Marceau obdržel v roce 1955 Prix Interallié a v roce 1969 Goncourtovu cenu za svou knihu Creezy. Dne 27. listopadu 1975 byl zvolen do Francouzské akademie jako nástupce Marcela Acharda.
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