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    Uku Masing

    Estonian philosopher (1909-1985)

    Uku Masing was an Estonian polymath who contributed to theology, oriental studies, philosophy, poetry, folklore and to the field of ethnology. He was a significant figure in Estonian religious philosophy. Masing also wrote poetry, mostly on religious issues. Masing authored one novel, Rapanui vabastamine ehk Kajakad jumalate kalmistul in the late 1930s, which was published posthumously in 1989. As a folklorist, he was a distinguished researcher of fairy tales, contributing to the international Encyclopedia of the Folktale. He was awarded the Righteous Among The Nations by Yad Vashem and the Israeli Supreme Court for his participation during the Holocaust in helping a Jew in Estonia escape capture from 1941 until the end of the war. His actions exposed him to great danger during this period requiring him to meet with his friend as well as lying to the Gestapo. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Uku Masing (born Hugo Albert Masing, 11 August 1909 - 25 April 1985) was an Estonian polymath who contributed to theology, oriental studies, philosophy, poetry, folklore and to the field of ethnology.He was a significant figure in Estonian religious philosophy. Masing also wrote poetry, mostly on religious issues. Masing authored one novel, Rapanui vabastamine ehk Kajakad jumalate kalmistul ...
  3. Uku Masing. Poems . About Uku Masing. Uku Masing (until 1937 Hugo Albert Masing, 11. VIII / 30. VII 1909 - 25. IV 1985) was an Estonian poet, theologian, historian of religion, folklore specialist and philologist. His extraordinary intellectual powers, broad grasp and charisma have made him a mythical figure in Estonian literary and ...
  4. accidentaltalmudist.org

    Uku Masing was an Estonian poet and philosopher who hid a Jewish friend from the Gestapo for four years, putting his own life in grave danger. Uku was born in 1909 to a humble peasant family in Lipa, a village in northwestern Estonia. A highly gifted child, Uku had an astonishing facility with languages. He spoke four by the time he finished ...
  5. et.wikipedia.org

    Uku Masing (u 1926-1930) Käesolevas artiklis on loetletud polühistori, teoloogi, luuletaja Uku Masingu (1909-1985) loomingut.. Suur osa Uku Masingu loomingust jäi Nõukogude okupatsiooni ajal käsikirja, kuid levis laialdaselt omakirjastuslikul teel. Seetõttu ei pruugi alljärgnevatel ilmumisaastatel olla seost kirjutamise ajaga.
  6. en-academic.com

    Uku Masing. Uku Masing (formerly Hugo Masing, August 11, 1909 - April 25, 1985) was an Estonian philosopher, translator, theologist and folklorist. He developed Estonian analytical philosophy. Masing also wrote poetry, mostly on religious issues. Masing authored one novel, "Liberation of Rapanui, or Seagulls at the Cemetery of Gods" ("Rapanui vabastamine ehk Kajakad jumalate kalmistul ...
  7. Sep 16, 2024Uku Masing (sünninimi Hugo Albert Masing või Maasing; 11. august 1909 Einu (Eedu) talu, Lipa küla, Raikküla vald, Harjumaa - 25. aprill 1985 Tartu) oli eesti teoloog, orientalist, filosoof, luuletaja, folklorist ja etnoloog. Ta oli ka tuntud polüglott ja tegeles maalikunsti, kalligraafia, botaanika ja muuga. Alates 1937. aastast Hugo Albert Masing asemel UKU MASING
  8. carrieannebrownian.wordpress.com

    Uku (né Hugo) Albert Masing, 11 August 1909-25 April 1985 Since I'm such a passionate, longtime Estophile, I just had to profile Uku Masing and his wife Eha! Uku Masing was a professor, philosopher, poet, hyperpolyglot, and folklorist. He also wrote one novel, Rapanui vabastamine ehk Kajakad jumalate kalmistul (Liberation of Rapanui, or Seagulls at the Cemetery…
  9. whowaswho-indology.info

    MASING, Uku (born Hugo Albert M.). Lipa, Raikküla, Rapla district 11.8.1909 — Tartu 25.4.1985. Estonian Polyglot and Religious Philosopher. Son of Ado (Aadu) M. and Anna Furman. From 1928 studied theology at Tartu (M.A. 1930). In 1930-33 further studies at Tübingen and Berlin, then taught theology and Semitic languages at Tartu until the ...

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