Roger Mohrlang, born in Hastings, Nebraska (1941), became a Christian and lover of the New Testament during his student years at Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University). From 1968 to 1974 he worked as a linguist and Bible translator among the Kamwe (Higi) people in northeastern Nigeria.
Books. Paul and His Life-Transforming Message: A Concise Introduction.Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013. Romans in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, vol 14. Carol Stream ...
Bible Translation
From 1968-74 I (Zira Gapa) served as a linguist and translation consultant with the Wycliffe Bible Translators in northeastern Nigeria, working with church leaders on the translation of the Kamwe (Higi) New Testament, Vəcə Yesu Kristi (1975). From 1991-96 I served as a translation consultant, working with the Kamwe Bible Translation Committee on the revision (second edition) of the New ...
Teaching The Bible
Roger Mohrlang | Professor of Biblical Studies | Whitworth University. My job is to teach the Bible to university students. It is a job I love. The Bible is my life, my passion, and my joy—and I never tire of the challenge of teaching it effectively and well. But I ...
Romans Commentary
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Paul and His Life-Transforming Theology: A Concise Introduction . Here is a concise, inviting introduction to the greatest of the early Christian missionaries, the Apostle Paul-his life, his letters, his thinking-and the life-transforming gospel he proclaimed.