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    Leszek Nowak

    Leszek Nowak was a Polish philosopher and legal theoretician. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Leszek Nowak (7 January 1943 - 20 October 2009) was a Polish philosopher and legal theoretician. Biography. Education. In 1965, he graduated in law from Adam Mickiewicz University's Faculty of Law and Administration, having written Master of Jurisprudence (M.Jur.) thesis under the supervision of Zygmunt Ziembiński, who introduced Nowak ...
  3. nauka-pan.pl

    Leszek Nowak was aware of the risk but he did not decide to accept intellectual compromise and in 1979 disseminated the typescript of his book on real socialism. During the time of Solidarność movement he spent all energy to educate union members and to reveal the oppressive nature of socialism. ... Andrzej Klawiter Uniwersytet im. Adama ...
  4. pl.wikipedia.org

    Leszek Nowak (ur.7 stycznia 1943 w Więckowicach, zm. 20 października 2009 w Poznaniu) - polski filozof i prawnik, profesor nauk humanistycznych, wieloletni pracownik naukowy Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.. Współtwórca poznańskiej szkoły metodologicznej, autor trzech koncepcji filozoficznych: idealizacyjnej koncepcji nauki, nie-Marksowskiego materializmu historycznego i ...
  5. Amazon.com: The Courage of Doing Philosophy: Essays Presented to Leszek Nowak: 9789042023369: Brzezinski, Jerzy, Andrzej, Andrzej, Kuipers, Theo A ... What is the relation between idealization and truth? The volume is a celebration of Leszek Nowak's sixtieth birthday. Read more Report an issue with this product or seller. Previous slide of ...
  6. Andrzej KLAWITER, Krzystof ŁASTOWSKI: Introduction: Originality, Courage and Responsibility List of Books by Leszek Nowak Selected Bibliography of Leszek Nowak's Writings Science and Idealization Theo A.F. KUIPERS: On Two Types of Idealization and Concretization: The Case of Truth Approximation Ilkka NIINILUOTO: Idealization, Counterfactuals, and Truthlikeness R. HENDRY, S. PSILLOS: How to ...
  7. nauka-pan.pl

    Leszek Nowak należał do tych ostatnich. 20 października 2009 roku zmarł Leszek Nowak. Żył 66 lat i całe dorosłe życie ... 28 Jerzy Brzeziński, Andrzej Klawiter, Krzysztof Łastowski 1 T ę systematyczną rekonstrukcj zaplanowa ł i realizowa od końca lat 60. O tym, że ma taki
  8. books.google.com

    Jerzy Brzeziński, Andrzej Klawiter, Theo A. F. Kuipers. Rodopi, 2007 - Philosophy - 471 pages "In recent years, the problem of idealization has been one of the central issues discussed in philosophy of science. This volume gathers original essays written by well-known philosophers. ... The volume is a celebration of Leszek Nowak's sixtieth ...
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