Non-Hermitian polariton photon coupling in a perovskite open microcavity
ton-photon detuning dependent polariton decay rates through the broad exciton absorption peak implies a complicatedmultiparameternon-Hermitianmechanism.It leads to the natural loss of strong coupling in polariton ... induced perovskite microcavity, it is essential to fabri-
Supporting Information: Non-Hermitian polariton-photon coupling in a ...
polariton-photon coupling in a perovskite open microcavity 1 Crystalisation of PEPI-F SynthesisofthesolutionforPEPI-Fcrystallizationwas carriedoutinanargon-filledgloveboxbymixingPbI 2 and(4F)-PEAIanhydrouspowderina1:2molarratio. They were then dissolved in -butyrolactone so that the perovskite concentration was 0.25 M. The disso-