Promotion of Entrepreneurship Culture
Promotion of Entrepreneurship Culture - The Economy of Rijeka
Concessions Registry
Concessions Registry - The Economy of Rijeka
Cooperation With The Croatian Regions Office in Brussels
The Croatian Regions Office in Brussels started its operation in 2007. Since the very beginning, the City of Rijeka has been cooperating with the Croatian Regions Office thus enabling access to European institutions and organisations of key significance for regional development. The Croatian Regions Office provides information on events in the European Union tied to...
Sur Utt
Sur Utt - The Economy of Rijeka
Regional Office for Primorije and Gorski Kotar
The key tasks of the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development is the development of the Croatian economy through programmes aimed at incentivising export, financing the development of economic activities, incentivising small and medium-sized enterprises and infrastructure projects financing. In June 2006, the CBRD opened its regional office for the Primorje and Gorski kotar region...
General Programme Aimed at Encouraging The Development of Entrepreneurship in The City of Rijeka
In 2008, the City of Rijeka adopted its General programme of measures aimed at encouraging the development of entrepreneurship in the territory of the city of Rijeka and the activities of the City relating to entrepreneurial incentives were systematised, with the aim of their transparency and easier communication with entrepreneurs. Over the years the programme...