1. oecd-cfe-eds.github.io

    The Levelling Up White Paper launched in 2022 sets out the UK Government's policies and objectives to address regional economic and social inequalities in the UK, including the Devolved Administrations. Urban policy framework: City Deals Policy - in 1 st wave 26 City Deals agreed in England 2012-2014, and one in Scotland. Since 2014, 5 ...
  2. The report OECD Regional Outlook 2023 reviews recent trends, policy developments, and prospects across OECD regions, including the underlying causes driving regional inequalities in performance and well-being. The report offers evidence, guidance and policy recommendations on how to improve competitiveness and productivity, promote inclusive growth, accelerate the net-zero transition and raise ...
  3. thebritishacademy.ac.uk

    Oct 31, 2024The financial crisis of 2007-2008 brought into sharp focus how the UK economy overly depends on London's finance industry and in turn, neglects other industries and places. Since then, successive governments have trialled several attempts to rebalance the national economy.
  4. sites.harvard.edu

    Instead, to boost productivity, regional policy should focus on expanding STEM skills, on transforming transport networks in the UK's major non-London cities, and on redressing regional public R&D spending imbalances. Since the 1980s, regional economic inequality has been rising in most industrialised economies (Wolf and Rosés 2018).
  5. economicsobservatory.com

    Jan 23, 2024For example, barely a year after the publication of the 332-page White Paper Levelling Up the United Kingdom and a detailed framework for devolution, at the Conservative Party conference in October 2023, the prime minister announced a series of 'town boards' and a 'towns taskforce' to boost local economic growth in 'left-behind' towns.
  6. bankofengland.co.uk

    And compared with the United States for example, the United Kingdom's regional inequalities in average income, unemployment rates, etc are enduring. The economy does not appear to be very flexible in accommodating shocks. The process of adjustment to shocks takes place over both time and space. As a result, an understanding of the regions
  7. committees.parliament.uk

    Tackling the deep- rooted spatial inequalities in the United Kingdom has been a common policy of all governments over the last 50 years. Despite this. economic disparities have grown. Re earch for the UK2070 Commission of OECD countries across 28 different indicators demonstrates that the UK is one of the most unbalanced countries regionally in
  8. Curlie directory for category Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: London: Richmond: Teddington: Business and Economy. Sites covering the business and economic activities of Teddington, including listings of companies and industries.
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