Stanislaus County
PeopleSoft Self Service
Welcome to PeopleSoft - Self Service. PeopleSoft - Self Service automates and simplifies the process of managing information. Employees have direct access to Personal, Benefits, Payroll and Training information.
Employee Email
Portal page to county remote email access. You're using an older browser which may not be able to function correctly on the following site.
Human Relations
Contact Us The Learning Institute Phone: (209) 525-6341 Email: moc.ytnuocnats@etutitsnigninrael Recruitments Phone: (209) 525-6341 Email: moc.ytnuocnats@pleHboJ Operations & Benefits Phone (Operations): (209) 525-5715
Clerk Recorder
Authorized certified copies cannot be issued without a notarized Sworn Statement. California Civil Code 1189(b) states: "Any certificate of acknowledgment taken in another place shall be sufficient in this state if it is taken in accordance with the laws of the place where the acknowledgment is made." Real Estate or Recorder Functions
Assessor's Office
2024-25 Assessment Roll. On June 25, 2024, the Assessor announced the 2024-2025 $69.64 Billion annual Property Assessment Roll which is a 6.02% increase in value compared to the prior roll.
Board of Supervisors
They include the City-County Committee, the Airport Advisory Committee, the Commission on Aging, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG), the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (Air Board) and the Tuolumne River Regional Park District.