By federal legislation, the Regional Arts Organizations and the State Arts Agencies collectively receive 40% of the National Endowment for the Arts' budget. These funds are distributed to States and Regions through a competitive process. Other RAO partners include foundations, local arts agencies, arts organizations, corporations, businesses ...
Find Your RAO
Find Your RAO - US RAO - A national collective of arts service organizations
Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities of color by investing in artists/practitioners and the grassroots organizations that care for them. It is a national funding program managed by the six U.S. regional arts organizations (RAOs).
Contact - US RAO - A national collective of arts service organizations
News - US RAO - A national collective of arts service organizations
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Mid-America Arts Alliance - US RAO - A national collective of arts service organizations