Homeschool Requirements
Home Instruction Law: M.R.S. 20-A §5001-A(3)(A)(4) (a) The student's parent or guardian shall provide a written notice of intent to provide home instruction simultaneously to the school officials of the administrative unit in which the student resides and to the commissioner within 10 calendar days of the beginning of home instruction.
Homeschooling Resources
Maine DOE 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0023 Voice: (207) 624-6600 Fax: (207) 624-6700 TTY: 711 (Maine Relay 711) Language Assistance: (207) 624-6629. Contact Maine Department of Education
Frequently Asked Questions
The home instruction program will provide at least 175 days annually of instruction and will provide instruction in the following subject areas: English and language arts, math, science, social studies, physical education, health education, library skills, fine arts and, in at least one grade from grade 6 to 12, Maine studies.
Request for Commissioner Review of a Denied Superintendent Agreement. If a Superintendent agreement request is denied and the parent/guardian elects to ask for a Commissioner review, the checklist items listed below must be submitted here: Request for Commissioner Review of a Denied Superintendent Agreement.The Commissioner will consider the decision of both Superintendents, and the ...
Equivalent Instruction Private Schools
There are many private schools in Maine. The law uses the term "private schools recognized by the Department as providing equivalent instruction" (20-A M.R.S.§5001-A(3)(A)(1)(b)) to refer to private schools that choose not to seek Department approval.Equivalent instruction private schools are also distinct from home instruction.
Public School Approval
Maine DOE 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0023 Voice: (207) 624-6600 Fax: (207) 624-6700 TTY: 711 (Maine Relay 711) Language Assistance: (207) 624-6629. Contact Maine Department of Education