Falmouth Colleges has compiled an extensive list of Falmouth, Massachusetts colleges with detailed academic information for each school. Browse through a wide range of Colleges in Falmouth, Massachusetts. ... States. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California. Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida. ... Education Articles;
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Introduction to New Bedford, Massachusetts. The city of New Bedford, located in Bristol County, Massachusetts, lies about 60 miles south of Boston and 30 miles southeast of Providence, Rhode Island. Highways running through the city include Interstate I-195, U.S. Route 6, and Massachusetts State Highways 18 and 140.
Introduction to Edgartown, Massachusetts. Edgartown, Massachusetts, in Dukes county, is 27 miles SE of New Bedford, Massachusetts (center to center) and 72 miles SE of Boston, Massachusetts.The picturesque town is situated on the eastern end of Martha's Vineyard and is a popular tourist destination.
Boston, Massachusetts
The Boston economy is founded on the education, health care, finance, and technology (information technology and biotechnology) industries. Some of the nation's most well-regarded teaching hospitals are based in Boston, including Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Brigham and Women's Hospital.