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  2. Frost depth data download: Historical frost depth data (2004-2024): ... (Midwest Regional Climate Center (MRCC)) ... US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service North Central River Forecast Center 1733 Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 55317-8581 952-361-6650 ...
  3. Sep 20, 2023University of North Dakota / NWS: September 20: October 1 : October 7: May 19: May 11: April 29: Climatological Freeze / Frost Date Information: Fall Average Date of a Frost, Freeze or Hard Freeze at selected locations: Spring Average Date of a Frost, Freeze or Hard Freeze at selected locations: Minnesota: 36F: 32F-28F <=28F: 36F: 32F-36F <=28F ...
  4. Check out these maps from the North Carolina State Climate Office (NCSCO) for freeze information on your location. Earliest/Median/Latest Dates for the First/Fall 36ºF Frost, 32ºF, and 28°F Freezes . Below are images depicting the earliest, median, and the latest dates for the first 36°F Frost, 32°F, and 28°F freezes across our region ...
  5. Official Long-Range Forecasts . Below are official long-range forecasts issued by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Professionals at CPC take into account many different factors when assembling these forecasts, including the ENSO composites posted throughout this report.
  6. Local forecast by "City, St" or ZIP code Location Help ... FROST. Frost occurs when there is a solid deposition of water vapor from the air. Frost will form when solid surfaces are cooled below the dew point. ... Average first and last frost and freeze dates of the winter for locations around northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin. NOTE ...
  7. Frost and Freeze Information (CAUTION under construction) Frost (the formation of light ice crystals on the ground) occurs under light wind conditions with radiational cooling - that is, heat radiating away from the Earth's surface. Frost will form when temperatures at ground level fall to around 32 degrees.
  8. These Freeze Level Maps are generated from GFS models (AKGFS22). We are thinking of going to a new format with forecasts every 3 hours. Use the following link to access the new freezing level forecast.Please use the comments tab at the bottom of the page to leave suggestions.
  9. The first freeze of the fall is expected across portions of central Minnesota and west central Wisconsin early Wednesday morning. What is the normal date for the first freeze each fall? For the Twin Cities, it's between October 1st and 10th, and for Eau Claire and St. Cloud it's between September 21st and 30th.
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