The Structure of The Mississippian World
The major organizational shifts that have come to define Mississippian society and culture (ca. AD 1000-1600) have been repeatedly linked to shifts in the political strategies of leaders and the emergence of socially, politically, and economically unequal classes of people (e.g. Anderson and Sassaman, 2012, Blitz, 2010, King, 2003, Butler and ...
In Search of a Happy Medium
Criticisms of industrial recruitment, such as the payment of low wages, short-term success, high recruitment costs (Loveridge, 1996), degradation of the local environment (Pellow, 2002), and possible increases in population growth, housing prices and rents (Logan and Molotch, 1987, Molotch, 1976, Molotch, 1993), have led some communities to promote a second type of economic development: self ...
A Case Study From Northern Iroquoia
Recent application of social network analysis (SNA) based on collar decoration of 22,408 pots from 114 northern Iroquoian- and two Algonquian-region archaeological village sites in New York, Ontario, and Quebec post-dating A.D. 1350 suggested that the corollary is not accurate in this region (Hart and Engelbrecht, 2011).Network graphs based on similarity coefficients indicated in general there ...
The Field of Cultural Production, Or
To be fully understood, literary production has to be approached in relational terms, by constructing the literary field, i.e. the space of literary prises de position that are possible in a given period in a given society.Prises de position arise from the encounter between particular agents' dispositions (their habitus, shaped by their social trajectory) and their position in a field of ...