Clinton Co. MOGenWeb
Clinton Co. Historical Society home page activated 24 Mar 2003 (previously on AOL) Brief history of Haynesville submitted by Jan Marasch 6 Mar 2003; Pages modified, search form added, links added, DNA added Feb 2003; Matthew Porter retired as Clinton Co. Coordinator Feb 2003, Thanks Matt! Surname page updated 31 Jan 2002
In 1833 he was appointed with two other men by the Governor of Missouri to select a seat of Justice for Clinton County, and of course you know they selected Plattsburg. Clay County elected him as State Legislator in 1834 and again in 1838.
Elegy: Susan R. Steel
The celebrated Platte Purchase had not then been added to the State of Missouri, and all West of us was an unknown and boundless wilderness. The action of congress in 1837, in buying the Indian title and adding what has ever since been known as the Platte Purchase-in which are now located the counties of Platte, Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Nodaway ...
Victorian Houses
Mr. Ellis was born near Hannibal, Mo., Feb. 11, 1870, but spent most of his life in Clinton County. He was the son of John W. Ellis, PhD. and Sallie Breckenridge Ellis. In 1880, his father purchased Plattsburg College and the family moved to Plattsburg. J.
The History of Clinton and Caldwell Counties published in 1922 states that the only surviving child of John and Susanna in May 1922 was Mrs. Rosanna Hill of St. Joseph. She died June 26, 1923 at the age of 94 in full possession of her faculties. The Clinton County portion of this History Book was prepared by Carrie Polk Johnston.