Comparative Trends Analysis
Comparative Trends Analysis - Ohio Regional Economic Analysis Project (OH-REAP)
Comparative Economic Indicators
Comparative Economic Indicators - Ohio Regional Economic Analysis Project (OH-REAP)
Major Components of Key Indicators
Major Components of Key Indicators - Ohio Regional Economic Analysis Project (OH-REAP)
Shift-Share Analysis of Employment
Choose from Ohio's 88 counties, select any time interval between 1969-2000 under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or from 2001-2022 under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), and generate shift-share analysis results for local employment growth compared with the nation at large.
Industry Structure & Performance
Industry Structure & Performance - Ohio Regional Economic Analysis Project (OH-REAP)
LSGL Analysis
Borrowing from an approach that sometimes appears in the finance sections of the popular press, LSGL analysis is a handy and versatile way to compare, portray and classify the patterns of growth.