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  2. Corsica-area historical tornado activity is near Pennsylvania state average. It is 21% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 5/31/1985, a category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 22.1 miles away from the Corsica borough center killed 16 people and injured 125 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.
  3. Population in 1990: 1,070.Population change in the 1990s: +121 (+11.3%). Place of birth for U.S.-born residents: This state: 1,072 Northeast: 46 Midwest: 23 South: 23 West: 13 66% of the 15829 zip code residents lived in the same house 5 years ago. Out of people who lived in different houses, 35% lived in this county. Out of people who lived in different counties, 50% lived in Pennsylvania.
  4. According to federal sources, Pennsylvania has jurisdiction over 735 sq mi (1,904 sq km) of Lake Erie; the state government gives a figure of 891 sq mi (2,308 sq km). Pennsylvania contains about 250 natural lakes larger than 20 acres (8 ha), most of them in the glaciated regions of the northeast and northwest.
  5. Pennsylvania: Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States. ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Named for Admiral William Penn, father of the founder of Pennsylvania. NICKNAME: The Keystone State. CAPITAL: Harrisburg. ENTERED UNION: 12 December 1787 (2nd). SONG: "Pennsylvania." MOTTO: Virtue, Liberty and Independence. COAT OF ARMS: A shield supported by two horses displays a sailing ship, a plow, and three sheaves ...
  6. Located in the northeastern US, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the 2nd largest of the three Middle Atlantic states and ranks 33rd in size among the 50 states. The total area of Pennsylvania is 45,308 sq mi (117,348 sq km), of which land occupies 44,888 sq mi (116,260 sq km) and inland water 420 sq mi (1,088 sq km).
  7. Here's an interesting MIT study, "The Connected States of America", examining (and mapping) calling and texting patterns throughout the US. It's another sort of case showing the divide between western and eastern PA; calling patterns strongly tie eastern PA to WV, and texting patterns to northeastern Ohio.
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