Region 2 - New York
Regional Staff Contacts. Regional Health Administrator (OASH) Regional Minority Health Analyst (OASH) Regional Women's Health Analyst (OASH) Regional Manager of Civil Rights (OCR) Regional Chief Counsel (OGC) Regional Emergency Coordinator (ASPR) Regional Operating Division Offices. Administration for Children and Families
About IEA
facilitates the coordination and implementation of Administration and Secretarial initiatives at the headquarters, regional, state, tribal, local and community levels. formulates and recommends Department policies on the delivery of services to states, territories and communities.
Contact IEA
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Hubert Humphrey Building, 620E 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201. To contact an HHS Regional Office, please visit the Regional Offices page.
Headquarters Staff
the activities of the Secretary's Regional Directors; HHS crosscutting activities for which IEA has lead responsibility. Each member of the headquarters staff of the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs serves as a liaison to one or more of the HHS program or staff offices. Please contact us to reach any members of the staff.
Partnership Center
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