https://utah.reaproject.org › data-tables › gsp-a200n
Full & Part-Time Employment
Employment estimates are available at the one-digit (Division) level of detail based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) definitions for 1969-2000 and the North American Industrial Classification Standard (NAICS) for 2001 and subsequent years. They measure the average annual number of full-time and part-time jobs. Each job that a person holds is weighted equally, thus BEA employment ...
Transfer Payments
To compare and examine population across all 29 Utah counties, enlist the interactive mapping and ranking features at your disposal by clicking on the map below. Population Growth by County Average Annual Percent Change, 1970-2022
Regional Economic Profiles
A synopsis of the most salient summary economic estimates assembled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. These tables report estimates by both place of work (industry earnings and employment) and by place of residence (population and personal income).
Selected Economic Indicators
These tables provide a summary of population, total personal income, per capita income, total employment, total industry earnings, and average earnings per job indicators to chronicle and track the annual growth and performance of state and regional economies with comparison to Utah and the nation at large. Assembled and prepared by the Utah Regional Economic Analysis Project, these tables are ...
Personal Income by Major Source
These data series are the cornerstone of the regional personal income accounts compiled by BEA. The most recent detailed explanation and description of the sources, methods, concepts and definitions used by BEA to prepare the regional personal income estimates are contained in an article appearing in the July 2013 issue of the Survey of Current Business entitled Comprehensive Revision of Local ...
Analyze and investigate Utah's industry structure and performance of any county economy over 1969-2022 comparing among three alternative measures: Employment, Earnings and Average Earnings Per Job.