https://www.kanabmuseum.org › history.html
Chip Ward spent four years living in the redrock wilderness of southern Utah while running a guest ranch in Capitol Reef National Park where he learned formative lessons about how we are embedded in the natural world. Ward was also a career librarian. Starting as a bookmobile librarian, he ended his career as the Assistant Director of the award ...
We are excited to invite you to the Celebrate Utah Wildlife art exhibit at the Kanab Museum, showcasing the winning entries from the Celebrate Utah Wildlife contest hosted by the Utah Wildlife Federation. Now, these creative entries have come together in an exhibit that will travel across Utah, offering a unique opportunity to experience the ...
1) Have regional significance related to Kanab, Kane County, Southern Utah, or Northern Arizona. 2) Be legally owned by the owner/lender and not be subject to NAGPRA regulations. 3) Have significance in at least one of the following categories: historic, aesthetic, scientific, social, spiritual, provenance, representative, rarity, condition ...
The Kanab Museum and Kanab Heritage House are always looking for volunteers* to help make them even better. We have a wide variety of volunteer positions including docents, research and archive assistants, gardening, events, and social media specialists. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please fill out the ...
If you feel we're doing things right - please let us know. If we could improve on something - let us know. If you have questions or needs related to accessibility- please let us know.