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    Edith Södergran

    Finland Swedish poet and writer (1892–1923)

    Edith Irene Södergran was a Swedish-speaking Finnish poet. One of the first modernists within Swedish-language literature, her influences came from French Symbolism, German expressionism, and Russian futurism. At the age of 24 she released her first collection of poetry entitled Dikter. Södergran died at the age of 31, having contracted tuberculosis as a teenager. She did not live to experience the worldwide appreciation of her poetry, which has influenced many lyrical poets. Södergran is considered to have been one of the greatest modern Swedish-language poets, and her work continues to influence Swedish-language poetry and musical lyrics, for example, in the works of Mare Kandre, Gunnar Harding, Eva Runefelt, Heidi Sundblad-Halme, and Eva Dahlgren. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Edith Södergran, self-portrait. Edith Södergran, 5 years old. Edith Södergran childhood home at Raivola. Edith Södergran's memorial stone erected 1960 in Raivola.. Edith Irene Södergran (4 April 1892 - 24 June 1923) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish poet. [1] One of the first modernists within Swedish-language literature, her influences came from French Symbolism, German expressionism, and ...
  3. allpoetry.com

    Edith Södergran was a Swedish-language Finnish poet who wrote in the early 20th century. Her work is considered groundbreaking for its embrace of modernism and Expressionism at a time when these movements were still emerging. Södergran's poetry is characterized by free verse, bold imagery, and a focus on themes of selfhood, nature, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world.
  4. poemhunter.com

    Edith Irene Södergran (4 April 1892 - 24 June 1923) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish poet. She was one of the first modernists within Swedish-language literature and her influences came from French Symbolism, German expressionism and Russian futurism. At the age of 24 she released the first collection of poetry entitled Dikter ("Poems").
  5. britannica.com

    Edith Södergran was a Swedish-Finnish poet whose expressionistic work influenced a generation of Finnish and Swedish writers. Her family moved to Finnish Raivola when Södergran was three months old. Educated at a German school in St. Petersburg, where the family maintained a winter home, she
    Author:The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  6. scandinaviastandard.com

    The poetry of legendary Swedish-speaking Finnish poet Edith Södergran has been around for a hundred years, but never feels a day too old. The woman behind the famous poem Vierge Moderne, with the iconic phrase "I am no woman.I am a neuter" ("Jag är ingen kvinna.Jag är ett neutrum") manages to stay relevant, as her poetry constantly gets re-discovered and loved by new generations.
  7. encyclopedia.com

    Södergran, Edith (1892-1923)Finnish poet, whose work went relatively unrecognized in her lifetime, now acknowledged as a germinal poet and a major liberating force for Scandinavian poetry. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, on April 4, 1892; died at Raivola on Midsummer Day (June 24), 1923; daughter of Matts Södergran and Helena (Holmroos) Södergran; never married; no children.
  8. fi.wikipedia.org

    Edith Södergranin isä Matts Södergran oli ruotsinkielisestä Närpiöstä kotoisin ja hänen äitinsä oli Pietarissa syntynyt ruotsinkielinen suomalainen Helena o.s. Holmroos. Edith Södergranin isoäiti oli nauvolaissyntyinen torpantytär. [5] Perhe muutti Karjalankannakselle Raivolaan, jossa isä työskenteli sahanhoitajana.Edith kävi koulunsa Pietarin saksalaisessa koulussa Petrischulessa.
  9. scandinaviahouse.org

    Edith Södergran's poems have been translated into some forty languages, delighting readers and inspiring poets world-wide. The newest English-language volume of Södergran's poetry is Love, Solitude and the Face of Death (Fithian Press, March 2017), translated by Katchadourian.The collection includes poems from each of the five Södergran collections.
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