analysis which are brought out in the structure of the volume. Each casestudy has two main parts: the first addresses the governance arrangements within the case's particular area of science diplomacy, and the second part deals with more analytic questions of knowledge dynamics, multi-level governance, and science diplomacy as a specific ...
set of two volumes coming out of the casestudy work package of the Horizon 2020 project S4D4C, 'Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing grand societal challenges' (see box 1). The first volume, 'Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case based insights from the S4D4C project', individually presented the nine case studies
These case studies are at the empirical heart of S4D4C, informing many other parts of the project such as the work on a governance framework and training materials for science diplomats. Each casestudy provides an overview of the case and its background, context and governance arrangements, further providing a description of the stakeholder ...
Under our Work Package 3 "European Science Diplomacy addressing global challenges", S4D4C experts investigate a range of science diplomacy cases.A mixed team of researchers have developed nine case studies, which each provide an overview of the case and its background, context and governance arrangements, further providing a description of the stakeholder landscape and a discussion of ...
An edited volume by the consortium presenting a transversal analysis of the nine case studies in the project. The publication identifies and analyzes 10 aspects that 'matter' for ...
An edited volume by the consortium presenting nine case studies that discuss how 'science diplomacy' gets enacted at the intersection of science, research policymaking and foreign ...
One of the goals of our early project work in S4D4C is to provide the conceptual grounds for our subsequent analyses of science diplomacy cases and governance. As one element of this, DZHW colleagues Charlotte Rungius and Tim Flink, supported by Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez at ZSI, prepared a State-of-the-Art Report on science diplomacy that we can […]
Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case-based insights from the S4D4C project is a volume of compiled results of the nine case studies, researched and developed by mixed teams of researchers from the project partners, and edited by Mitchell Young (Charles University), Tim Flink (DZHW) and Elke Dall (ZSI). These case studies are at the empirical heart of the S4D4C project (Horizon 2020 grant ...
What matters in science diplomacy? That is the question that the publication of the S4D4C project (see "The 'Matters' of Science Diplomacy: Transversal Analysis of the S4D4CCase Studies" aims to answer. To do so, the transversal analysis critically analyses the content of the project's nine case studies and identifies insights to foster and advance the understanding and the ...
S4D4C's 1st Networking Meeting - Madrid (12/2018) Event Review; Programme; ... all casestudy authors filled a questionnaire/survey specifically created for this purpose: The process used here was designed in a way, so that each survey entry represents one interview. The objective of this interview analysis was to give a concise overview on ...
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