1. Syksyllä 1996 Teheranissa ilmestyvän Adineh -nimisen kirjallisuuslehden päätoimittaja Farai Sarkuuhi sai kutsun vierailla Saksassa luennoimassa. 3. marraskuuta hänet pidätettiin Teheranin lentokentällä, mutta Iranin viranomaiset väittivät hänen matkustaneen Saksaan. PEN vaati Iranin hallitukselta heti selvitystä kirjailijan katoamisesta.
  2. consciouschatter.com

    Farai and Kiki were criticized pretty harshly on this episode by the judges, but guest judge Kerby of Pyer Moss stood up for them and wouldn't agree to vote them off the show. In the end, the judges didn't send anyone home after the streetwear competition, but then, the following week, they were sent home in the lingerie challenge. ...
  3. psycnet.apa.org

    People vary in the extent to which they report fear toward robots, especially when they perceive that the robot is autonomous or has artificial intelligence. This research examines a specific form of sociological fear, which we name as fear of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (FARAI). This fear may serve to affect how people will respond to and interact with robots. Applying data ...
  4. en.wikipedia.org

    Hamiduddin Farahi (18 November 1863 - 11 November 1930) was an Indian Islamic scholar known for his work on the concept of nazm, or coherence, in the Quran. [2] [3] The modernist Farahi school is named after him.He was instrumental in producing scholarly work on the theory that the verses of the Quran are interconnected in such a way that each surah, or chapter, of the Quran forms a coherent ...
  5. scholar.google.com.sg

    GM Zindoga Mukandavire, Farai Nyabadza, Noble J Malunguza, Diego F Cuadros ... Plos One, 2020. 105: 2020: Modelling the dynamics of crystal meth ('tik') abuse in the presence of drug-supply chains in South Africa. F Nyabadza, JBH Njagarah, RJ Smith. Bulletin of mathematical biology 75, 24-48, 2013. 94:
  6. LEENA BECKER BERLIINI - Iranilaisen turvallisuuspalvelun vangitsema kirjailija, kriitikko Farai Sarkuuhi joutuu oikeuden eteen. Iranilaiseen oppositioon kuuluva Sarkuuhi on ollut viime vuoden lopulta lähtien vangittuna jo pariin otteeseen. Häneltä julkisuuteen päässeiden kirjoitusten perusteella on päätelty, että kidutukset ovat murtaneet kirjailijan.
  7. hks.harvard.edu

    Farayi Chipungu is an Adjunct Lecturer at The Harvard Kennedy School of Government and teaches courses at Harvard Law School. Her focus is on leadership, change management, and innovation. She is the faculty chair for the Adaptive Leadership: Lawyers Driving Change program at Harvard Law School and for the Women and Power program at The Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

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