1. research.aalto.fi

    Helena Sederholm. Professor (Associate Professor) ... Sederholm's (PhD) research interests focus on contemporary art, art theory, avant-garde art, and art and science education. She has had various administrative responsibilities, including the positions of Head of Department and Head of Education in the Department of Art. ...
  2. Helena Sederholm, Riikka Haapalainen, Tiina Pusa 2022 The International Journal of Education through Art Slow Life of Vegetal, Animal, and Some Composite Organisms. Helena Sederholm 2022 Research in Arts and Education Thematic Issue: On Animals, Plants, Bryophytes, Lichen, and Fungi in Contemporary Art and Research Vol. 1. ...
  3. fi.wikipedia.org

    Maija Helena Sederholm (s.1962 [1]) on suomalainen tutkija ja Aalto-yliopiston kuvataidekasvatuksen professori. Hän on julkaissut useita kirjoja ja tutkimuksia aiheista taidehistoria, nykytaide, taidekasvatus sekä taiteen ja tieteen suhteet, sekä päätoimittanut Pinx. Maalaustaide Suomessa-kirjasarjan.. Sederholm toimii Aalto-yliopiston kuvataidekasvatuksen professorina taiteen ja median ...
  4. research.aalto.fi

    Helena Sederholm. Professori. ... Sederholm (FT) tutkii nykytaidetta, taideteoriaa, taiteen avantgardea ja on kiinnostunut erityisesti taiteen ja tieteen yhteyksistä. Hän on toiminut pitkään erilaisissa akateemisissa hallintotehtävissä, mm. Taiteen laitoksen johtajana ja opetusvastaavana. Sederholm on nykytaiteen tutkimuksen dosentti ...
  5. May 24, 2023In her doctoral research, Helena Sederholm develops environmentally friendly water-repellent textiles. She follows the example of nature. Today's outdoor clothing mainly relies on oil-based fibres and chemicals that are harmful for the environment. In her doctoral research, Helena Sederholm develops environmentally friendly water-repellent ...
  6. intellectbooks.com

    Helena Sederholm (Ph.D.) is an associate professor of art education in the Department of Art and Media at Aalto University. Her background is in art education, art theory, art history and cultural studies. Her research interests focus on contemporary art, and art and science education. Her most recent books are Art as We Don't Know It (Aalto ARTS Books, 2020), edited with Eric Berger ...
  7. kuvataidekasvatus.fi

    Helena Sederholm (PhD) is a professor in Art Education and the Head of Education in the Department of Art. From the beginning of her career she has been interested in marginal and conceptual phenomena in art. Currently her research interests focus on contemporary art, and intersections between art and science, especially art & science education

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