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    The Ásatrú Society of America. The Ásatrú Society of America is a professional organization of students and practitioners of Ásatrú in North America. Our mission is: to preserve and promote the living legacy of pre-Christian indigenous wisdom traditions of Northern Europe through the practice and teaching of Ásatrú in North America;
  2. Long before Christianity came to Northern Europe, our ancestors there had their own, native religions. One of these was Asatru. It was practiced by the Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons, Germans, and related peoples for thousands of years. Today, that religion is practiced, promoted, and further developed by their descendants in the Asatru Folk Assembly.
  3. Asatru philosophy recognizes courage, honor, honesty, hospitality, self-reliance and taking responsibility for one's own actions, industriousness, perseverance, justice (including an innate sense of fairness and respect for others), loyalty to one's friends and community, and a willingness to stand up for what is right and faith in one's self ...
  4. Founded in 1994 to promote the Asatru religion in the state of Indiana. The council facilitates networking among Kindreds in the state, as well as acting as a clearinghouse for information. The Volsung Kindred

    The ÁSA was initially proposed at a meeting of North American Ásatrúar and specialists in Norse history and mythology in 2017. The intended purpose of the organization was not to create a formal "religious organization" but to create an institution serving the larger community of autonomous "pagans" and "heathens" pursuing a spiritual/philosophical path inspired by ancient ...

    Kindreds Asatru Pagan Religion and Spirituality. A kindred is a rather informal group of asatruer who join together to, for instance, perform some rituals together. If the group is more formalised it is often called godeord and works similar to a Christian parish.
  7. Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Pagan > Asatru. Asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people across the globe. Asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith (although there may be superficial similarities in some respects).

    Religio Romana is a modern Pagan reconstructionist religion based upon the ancient faith of pre-Christian Rome. It's definitely not a Wiccan path, and because of the structure within the spirituality, it's not even something where you can swap out gods of other pantheons and insert the Roman deities. It is, in fact, unique among Pagan paths.

    Anyone may call themselves Ásatrúar, "heathen," or "Norse Pagan," but only those who conduct themselves with dignity and pursue the ways of honor may ever experience the liberating serenity of true frith. This is the foundation of the Aesir faith as it is understood and conveyed by the Ásatrú Society of America.

    The Asatru Community Inc. is proud to partner with the Troth, Awaken the North, and The Church of All Worlds in a joint statement of our shared commitment to inclusivity and tolerance for all religions ... We aim to unite individuals and organizations with inclusive values for modern Heathenry and Norse paganism, offering education, resources ...
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