1. Sorvali, Irma Katriina was born on October 15, 1945 in Joensuu, Finland. Daughter of Mauri Erland and Mirja Korkkanen. Education Master of Arts, University Helsinki, 1969. Licence in Philosophy, University Helsinki, 1971. Doctor of Philosophy, University Helsinki, 1974. Career
  2. researchportal.helsinki.fi

    Sorvali, Irma. / From translational cross-analysis to ecotranslatology.Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 13: Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 3 edited by Reinhard Köhler & Gabriel Altmann. Dedicated to Karl-Heinz Best on the occasion of his 70th birthday. editor / Reinhard Köhler ; Gabriel Altmann.
  3. jultika.oulu.fi

    This publication is dedicated to Irma Sorvali, Professor of Nordic Philology at the University of Oulu, on the occasion of her 60 th birthday, 15 th October 2005. The volume contains 35 articles written by her former and current colleagues, students and friends. Most of the articles are in Swedish or Finnish, but there are also contributions in ...
  4. blogs.helsinki.fi

    Irma Sorvali "In a university context, a list of clear-cut strategies can be a useful tool for students who are as yet wary of more abstract topics for their early efforts at research", Ritva Leppihalme toteaa (Leppihalme 2001: 145). Hän painottaa käännösstrategioiden tärkeyttä ja kääntäjän roolia ratkaisujen tekijänä.
  5. sv.wikipedia.org

    Irma Katriina Sorvali, född 15 oktober 1945 i Joensuu, är en finländsk filolog. Sorvali blev filosofie doktor 1974. Hon var 1974-1976 biträdande professor i svenska vid högskolan i Joensuu, 1976-1983 i nordisk filologi vid Helsingfors universitet och blev 1983 utnämnd till professor i samma ämne vid Uleåborgs universitet.
  6. oulurepo.oulu.fi

    Abstract This publication is dedicated to Irma Sorvali, Professor of Nordic Philology at the University of Oulu, on the occasion of her 60th birthday, 15th October 2005. The volume contains 35 articles written by her former and current colleagues, students and friends. Most of the articles are in Swedish or Finnish, but there are also contributions in German, English and French.
  7. oulurepo.oulu.fi

    Sorvali, Irma (ed.), XIV Kääntämisent utkimuksen päivät Oulussa 15.12.2005. Faculty of Humanities, Department of German, French and Scandinavian Languages, University of Oulu, P.O.Box 1000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland Studia humaniora ouluensia 3 Oulu, Finland Abstract

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