Explore SUPERSENSE's exclusive range of premium analog products including mastercut records, instant film, DIY cameras, and limited edition prints. Crafted with passion and quality, our products offer unique and magical experiences.
Impossible Polaroid Instant Film
Supersense founder Florian Kaps classifies as the savior of Polaroid film, as he was the one launching The Impossible Project in 2008, to rescue this unique material in the very last minute. The Story. The story of the POLAROID ORIGINALS FILM is almost as unbelievable as it is impossible. In order to understand this product`s true nature ...
Starting their magic within the Supersense palazzo just a few weeks ago, the incredible Mochi family lifted our whole Supersense mission onto the next level right from the start. Please have a close look at their beautiful menu which for me is one of the most sophisticated and tasty interpretations of our shared philosophy to simply delight all ...